
jajajajajajajajjajajajjajjajajjaja(spanish laughing)jajjajajajajajajajaaa...

...whatever? i don't even speak spanish anymore, haha!

okili, back to topic: i'm re-designing my blog a lil' bit...i love the flower pattern for the header and i'd love it to be around my posts, but i'm too stupid to find out how to do that. FAIL.

also, i like the yellow-ish color for the rest of my blog, but idk if i'll keep it like that or if i can change it somehow to let it look more like...old paper!? :O (if that's even possible...idthinkso)

today's sunday...normally a day where i would relax, don't care about anything. but today...i gotta do shitty homework ): GOSH - I really don't want to!!

ah weeeelll....i hope you like the new design...even though it's not finished yet. but still! (:

much love from me to yooouuuuuu!

your me. <3


oooh my! it's been a while.
i know, i know! i'm sorry for that ):
but school started again and i didn't find the time to post something, which is weird, because blogging is much more comfortable than making videos - time-wise.
ah well! i'll try my best to keep this baby growing - i just love to write stuff down (except for homework, haha)!

Keep smiling! (:
(btw, melons are my fave fruit and this pic was just SO cute!)

Much love from me to you!
See you soonies (:

ei <3


Vintage Schmuck Contest, olé! :D

Seht sie euch an. Diese wunderschönen Schmuckstücke! Hach! (:
Diese Schätzchen könnt ihr bei der goldigen Kapunkt gewinnen.
Schreibt einfach einen Kommentar und/oder einen Blogpost und Schwupps! ihr sied bei der Verlosung dabei!
Ganz einfach, oder? (:

Ich persönlich habe mich in die Eulenkette verliebt, sie ist also mein Platz 1!
Platz 2 wäre die schöne Gemmekette. (:

Und noch kurz was zu Kapunkt's Blog: Sie berichtet über (Natur-)Kosmetik und ist eine klasse Quelle, wenn ihr euch ein bestimmtes Produkt zulegen wollt, aber nicht genau wisst wie es ist. Sie checkt es aus - und ihr profitiert von ihrer Erfahrung! Ab und zu bloggt sie auch mal über allerlei andere Dinge - also ich kann euch nur empfehlen SIE mal auszuchecken! (;

Liebe Grüße,
eure Eileen! :*

my current obsession...

...is singing!
i wish i could sing with vibrato and stuff - i'm actually trying to learn it (: maybe someday i'll be able to sing at least "okay" - haha!
i just love singing, i think everybody does. everyone sings - secretly or not. i do it secretly, haha! i'm one of those who does everything in front of other people, who doesn't care about what others say. except for singing. lol

so i'll train singing just for myself - maybe someday i won't care anymore about what others say about my singing and go on their nerves with it. oh yes! :D

and: HELLO to my FIRST READER! (: Thank you so much for following - it's nice to actually write something that at least one person reads, haha :D
How are you? I hope you're fine (: And I hope you enjoy my little blog.

I somehow took a break from blogging - don't even knowing why! But I'll update my lil' boy more frequently from now on! Especially because school starts on Monday and I won't be able to film my YT-Videos anymore (sadly ):

Ah well, life's hard! (:

Until soonies! (;


hey, lu! i drew this for you! (:

my hero! (: <3

She's kind.
She's beautiful.
She has the style!

I drew this picture and I hope you like it (:


...is THE date for the german fashionistas!

ASOS.COM launches their german shopping site! Be excited - your life will change for ever, haha!


..ist DAS Datum für deutsche Fashionistas!
ASOS.COM ziehen in die deutsche Mode-Online-Welt ein und wird H&M und Zara mächtig konkurrenz machen. 
Bereitet euch vor - euer Leben wird sich verändern (;